
Devon Archer Dismantles Dan Goldman's Narrative on the Biden Scandal

Devon Archer — the former business partner of Hunter Biden — told Tucker Carlson in a new episode released on Friday President Joe Biden met with his son's business partners multiple times when he was vice president, shattering the claim peddled by Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-NY) that Hunter was merely selling the "illusion" of access to his father.

"'There's no corruption here at all. This is totally normal. Joe Biden had no role whatsoever in in his son's business or knowledge of it.' That seems false," Carlson said to Archer.

"That's categorically false. He was aware of Hunter's business. He met with Hunter's business partners. You found a letter that illustrates that he knew me," Archer said.

"And he's thanking you! He's thanking you for his efforts!" Carlson pointed out.

Archer also explained Carlson how Hunter's access to Vice President Biden was crucial to "help Burisma survive."

"It was that ability to help, on the geopolitical stage, keep them out of trouble. Keep them out of investigations. Unfreeze assets, unsuccessfully unfreeze visas," said Archer.

He noted there was an account that belonged to Burisma that was successfully unfrozen and he believes with Hunter being on the board "probably provided a halo that helped with that" along with repeated requests to call his father.

Watch the full interview below: