
Adam Schiff Protégé Admits Key Fact About Joe and Hunter Biden

Former Adam Schiff staffer and protégé Dan Goldman, who now serves as a U.S. Congressman from New York, inadvertantly exposed a repeated lie told by President Joe Biden about his knowledge or involvement with Hunter Biden's foreign and shady business dealings. 

"That is true, Hunter Biden does try and do business," Goldman said during a House Oversight Committee hearing Wednesday.

Goldman's statement came in reaction to testimony from IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who said Hunter Biden discussed efforts to get into business with his father. 

President Joe Biden has long maintained he "never" spoke to his son about his business dealings. The facts, including email traffic showing Hunter asking for office keys to be made for himself and his father, in addition to photos of Joe Biden with Hunter's other business partners, prove otherwise. Not to mention Hunter's direct admission he repeatedly discussed business with his father. 

White House officials, including Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, still refuse to discuss the matter.