
ADF Sets the Record Straight After the Left Attempts to Discredit 303 Creative Case

Alliance Defending Freedom set the record straight this week after liberal media outlets, activists, and public figures sought to discredit the 303 Creative v. Elenis case, the legal group, and their client, Christian web designer Lorie Smith. 

The New Republic, for example, published a widely circulated piece headlined, “The Mysterious Case of the Fake Gay Marriage Website, the Real Straight Man, and the Supreme Court,” suggesting Smith and ADF “invented a gay couple in need of a wedding website…”

ADF addressed the accusations head on in a Twitter thread this week.

Specifically addressing the claims made in The New Republic piece, ADF said it was a "lie."

ADF also pushed back on claims made by Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser.

“This desperate attempt to malign ADF, our client, and a critical ruling affirming all Americans’ free speech blatantly distorts the facts of the case and the nature of pre-enforcement lawsuits,” said ADF CEO, President, and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner. “To say that Lorie Smith or ADF fabricated a request for a same-sex wedding website is a lie. It would make no sense to have fabricated a request because one wasn’t required for the court to decide her case. To pretend that a request that nowhere featured in the Supreme Court’s decision was at ‘the heart’ of the case demonstrates an ignorance regarding the legal principles involved. And it’s telling that many who push this false narrative can’t bring themselves to consider the more likely scenario that ‘Stewart’ or another activist did in fact submit the request.”