
RFK Jr. Sat Down With Bill Maher. One Part of the Interview Is Sure to Irk the Left.

During his monologue on Twitter last week, Tucker Carlson identified the one presidential candidate that’s most hated by the media. You’d be forgiven for thinking that title goes to Donald Trump, but no—it’s Bobby Kennedy. Why? According to Carlson, the knives came out in July 2005, after RFK Jr. ran a magazine piece drawing a connection between mandatory childhood vaccines and a rise in diagnosed autism cases. Since then, the establishment has tried to shut him up, family members have turned on him, and the media continue to smear him as an anti-vax nut whose campaign is “built on relitigating COVID-19 shutdowns and shaking Americans' faith in science,” according to The New York Times.

But as more Americans get to hear from Kennedy Jr., the more they actually don’t think he’s crazy, even if they do disagree. And many have grown a lot of respect for him for sticking to his guns, regardless of the attacks on him. 

Add to that list Bill Maher, another thorn in the left’s side, who praised RFK Jr. for having the “balls” to never waver in his beliefs.

The two discussed this taboo issue of vaccines, among many other topics, in a wide-ranging interview that’s sure to make waves with the political/media class. 

RFK Jr. clarifies he's not actually "anti-vax," but "pro-science," and Maher opened up about his beliefs about the COVID vaccine. 

The full interview is below: