He did it again, ladies and gentlemen— President Joe Biden made a mockery of the United States by forgetting what the nation’s National Anthem sounds like.
Biden, who has a long history of making public gaffes, placed his hand over his heart for nearly 20 seconds as the Indian national anthem played before he realized it wasn’t America’s national anthem.
When he finally was aware of his obvious mistake, Biden slowly lowered his hand, hoping no one would notice.
Oh Joe! Biden, alongside India's PM Modi, slowly lowers his hand from his heart after realising they're playing the Indian national anthem first. 🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/lsORUaWbS0
— David Vance (@DVATW) June 22, 2023
According to the rule of thumb with the Indian national anthem, both hands must be completely straight, parallel to each other while the song plays.
The 80-year-old president also addressed India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi as “Mr. President” during an awkward exchange.
Twitter users mocked the president’s ability to recognize the U.S.’s national anthem, which is probably because Biden is so worried about not rocking any boats with foreign countries, especially ones from which he is making millions of money.
To be fair he probably thinks he’s in India…
— ☠️ MegaPint Of Truth ☠️ (@MattyButts1) June 22, 2023
Obama told him via earpiece that it wasn’t our anthem.
— Yandel Schaffer (@VoxYehudi) June 22, 2023
imagine if Trump did that !!! breaking news all over MS, NBC CNN. They would stop their programming and run that over and over and over ,,,every psychiatrist would be doing an opinion of unfit for duty
— Michael (@johnsul32761445) June 22, 2023
Surprised he figured it out that quickly.
— Low Carb Studies (@LowStudies) June 22, 2023
He meant to do that. He'll pledge allegiance to any country he thinks he can get 10% from.
— 🇺🇲Mimi Balone🇺🇲✊ (@MimiBalone) June 22, 2023
Geeez! 2024 is going to make 2020 look passive.
— Robert Caporale (@RobertCaporale3) June 22, 2023
Unbelievable! Every freaking day! Just throw the guy back in the basement already!
— Enon Amos (@EnonAmos) June 22, 2023