
Trump Remains Top Contender In 2024 Race Despite Political Persecution Against Him

Despite the Left's never-ending political witch hunt against former President Trump, he remains the favored 2024 GOP candidate to take back the White House. 

According to a Marist Institute for Public Opinion poll, 64 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters said they would continue to support Trump if he remains in the race. 

More than half of Republican respondents— 76 percent— have a positive outlook on the 45th president, up from 68 percent in February. 

Although 73 percent say, Trump did something wrong, less than half believe he committed a crime. 

"As former President Trump deals with his latest legal woes, Republicans are mostly standing with him, while Democrats are calling for him to exit the 2024 campaign," Marist Director Lee Miringoff said in a statement. "Time will tell if this pattern holds, but for now, Republicans are grounded on where they stand on Trump regardless of these unfolding events." 

The Democratic Party's efforts to rid Trump once and for all are backfiring. Trump has garnered more support than ever before even as the Left continues to attack him despite President Joe Biden facing his personal battle of legal woes. However, the president so far has gotten away with all illegal actions. 

A Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that Trump leads Biden by six percentage points in a 2024 presidential race hypothetical matchup. 

The poll's co-director told The Hill that Trump's indictment on 37 felony counts related to his alleged mishandling of classified information has had "no impact on his lead against Biden, whose job rating remains at 43 percent." 

The poll also found that voters would back Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla) over Biden. However, Trump still takes the reins over both candidates. 

The 45th president has also secured support from the Republican National Committee, which has vowed to stand by him as GOP colleagues call on the group to change its policy so candidates aren't required to support Trump should he win the nominee.