
Woke Women's Magazine Features ‘Trans Pregnant Man’ for ‘Pride Month’ Cover

On Thursday, left-wing women’s magazine Glamour UK announced that a “trans pregnant man” named Logan Brown is its June "Pride Month" cover star. 

According to the outlet, Brown is an author and “father.” Brown “unexpectedly became pregnant” with her partner, a drag performer who identifies as “non-binary.”

In March 2023, Brown, 27, who works as a residential children’s support worker, shared her story about transitioning on a blog called Up the Duff Man. Glamour noted that a TikTok star (who was not named in the article) was “transphobic” towards the Brown and her partner, Bailey Mills, by stating that “men can’t get pregnant” in response to their pregnancy (via Glamour):

While his writing resonated with (and beyond) the LGBTQIA+ community, Logan and his partner Bailey Mills – who uses the pronouns ‘they/them’ and is known for their ‘hun’ humour and drag performances on TikTok – were subject to rampant transphobia, particularly from another TikToker who repeatedly commented, “Men can’t get pregnant” across Logan’s social media accounts. In a display of solidarity, Logan and Bailey’s followers were quick to condemn the transphobic comments, but the whole episode garnered traction online and threw the couple further into the spotlight.

In an interview with the outlet, Brown said she originally came out as a lesbian at age 13. 

“Because I dressed like a ‘tomboy,’ people would tell me I was a lesbian,” Brown said. “The thing is, gender and sexuality are two completely different things, and people don’t even realise it. I had a few girlfriends and long-term relationships. And then I finally just focused on myself; I realised that there was more to this, there was more to me, that my identity of being trans was something that I wanted to explore. I definitely identify as queer now. So, it’s been quite a journey for me with my gender and sexuality. My partner now is non-binary, and they’re beautiful.”

Brown reportedly became pregnant after she stopped taking testosterone “for a while” due to “some health issues.” 

“One day, I had this really weird feeling; it was early in the morning and Bailey was asleep. I took a pregnancy test and it was positive,” Brown told the outlet. “It was like my whole world just stopped. That everything, all my manhood that I’ve worked hard for, for so long, just completely felt like it was erased.”

Brown revealed that she was able to start taking testosterone through England’s National Health Service (NHS) and “[ended] up going private” for a double mastectomy, known as “top surgery.”

Late last year, the NHS issued a warning that most children who identify as “transgender” are going through a “transient phase,” which Townhall covered. The guidance reportedly stated that physicians should be open to “exploring all developmentally appropriate options” for children who are showing signs of gender dysphoria, keeping in mind that “this may be a transient phase.”

“The clinical approach has to be mindful of the risks of an inappropriate gender transition and the difficulties that the child may experience in returning to the original gender role upon entering puberty if the gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence,” the report stated.

The report also added that “social transitioning,” which includes going by a different name, pronouns, and dressing like the opposite gender, should not be seen as a “neutral act” due to the impact it makes on a child’s psychology.