
Politico Publishes Scathing Piece Attacking Casey DeSantis

Politico piece faces significant backlash after posting a scathing report on the wife of Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla)— Casey DeSantis. 

Titled "The Casey DeSantis Problem: His Greatest Asset and His Greatest Liability," is receiving hate for its sexist and misogynistic tone. The article quoted anonymous former DeSantis staffers, alleged insiders who supposedly have "dirt" on the couple, and Democratic strategists who accuse DeSantis's wife of being "blindly ambitious" in an effort to help her husband be elected as the next president. 

The article claimed Casey is "paranoid" and "vindictive" while quoting a male DeSantis supporter who said she needed to "take a more traditional role" and a Trump operative who compared her to "Lady Macbeth."

"She's the power behind the throne," the piece read. "He wouldn't be where he is without her. He might not get where he wants to go because of her."

Politico claimed that the governor's wife gives him a cleaner, softer image but is "insular and standoffish" with staff. 

A DeSantis insider also said that the First Lady influences his decisions, adding that she needs to take on a more traditional role. 

"I've heard from staffers frustrated that they think the governor's made a decision, he talks to her, comes back, the decision is the opposite or different," it reads. 

The attack on the former Jacksonville TV anchor, breast-cancer survivor, and mom of three continued as DeSantis's senior adviser pointed out the double standard faced by Republican women in politics. He said that Democratic women are often celebrated as "fierce" and "unapologetic," but Republican women are viewed as cartoon villains, saying, "The double standard is shameful. And the people who do this are always the most outspoken feminists on Twitter."

DeSantis staffers denounced the article, accusing the so-called "insiders" of being liberal activists who lack actual access to the governor and his wife.