
Democrat's Plan to Oppose GOP-Backed Immigration Bill Backfires

Democrats continually try to bash Republicans and fail, particularly regarding the Left's radical anti-American policies. 

Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-TX) attempted to stab at a GOP-backed immigration bill by showcasing an Obama-Biden-era photo of caged migrant children. 

The 2014 image on a large poster board showed immigrant children being kept in cages with foil blankets to display the "stations' crowded conditions."

Garcia used the photo to argue that Republicans' Secure the Border Act of 2023 measure was "extreme and wrong." 

"This bill, in no way, secures the border," Garcia claimed. "In fact, it would only make security worse. It is an onslaught on asylum seekers and those who flee poverty, hunger, and violence — including unaccompanied minors and families with children. It exploits challenges at our border for political points and adds to the suffering of those who are coming to our country seeking safety and a better life."

However, the bill, aimed to backpedal President Joe Biden's dangerous open border policies, would actually build a border wall, hire more border patrol agents and give financial incentives for them to do their job. All of which would hinder Biden's catch-and-release policies to help manage mass migration at the U.S.-Mexico border.

"We all expect our government to effectively manage our borders and thoroughly vet those who seek to enter as refugees to join their family already in the country or to work — we all agree on that," Garcia continued. "But instead, we see that children are in danger, families are separated or detained, and people are dying. We need reform, and we need it now."

Garcia's comments come as Biden opened the border up more, rolling out a welcome mat for illegal migrants to enter the U.S., causing a historic surge at the border. 

Ahead of the House's Thursday vote on the border security legislation, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre slammed Republicans, claiming the party refuses to act on the "chaotic" situation at the southern border. 

She claimed that Biden was handed a broken border system since day one of his presidency. However, two years ago, when former President Trump was in office, the U.S. had one of the most secure borders in decades. 

"Since day one, he put forth a comprehensive immigration plan and legislation, and he is using the tools in front of him to deal with the challenge at the border," Jean-Pierre said. "Republicans in Congress, in particular, refuse — they literally refuse to act. They refuse to come to the middle and meet us in the middle and come up with a real solution."