
Video Shows Passengers Voting to Kick Woman Off Airline Flight

Earlier this month, passengers on a Frontier Airlines flight from Trenton, New Jersey to Atlanta, Georgia voted to have a disruptive woman kicked off a flight. 

In videos posted to social media, two women on the airplane can be seen yelling back and forth at each other on the plane after the passengers boarded. One of the women shouted "mind your f***ing business!" This woman who was shouting, along with a male passenger next to her, were then escorted off the plane. 

Other passengers began interjecting and shouting at the passengers causing the delay. The other woman who was taking part in the argument was still on the plane. 

A passenger in a red shirt called out “If you want her removed from the flight, raise your hand! I’m not even kidding.”

Passengers’ hands began shooting up. 

“If you can hear me, raise your hand if you want her removed from the flight,” he yelled toward the front of the plane. “I’m not even kidding, I got 40 hands up.”

More hands went up. 

A security guard was waved over and led the woman off the flight.

According to KTLA, the incident delayed the flight one hour. It began when the couple who was escorted off the plane asked to move seats. Reportedly, the woman who was voted off the plane was making rude comments towards them. 

According to The Hill, this is the latest incident where a disruptive passenger has impacted a flight. Last month, a United Airlines flight from Newark, New Jersey en route to Tel Aviv, Israel reportedly turned around three hours in because a passenger got into a confrontation with the flight crew.