
Everything About Biden's Presser Should Disturb You

If you're not a little bit terrified about the head of the executive branch of the federal government, the commander-in-chief, the leader of the free world, the president of the United States... you need to be. 

If you're not deeply concerned, you're not paying attention. 

The fact that Joe Biden needed a cheat sheet with a reporter's name, affiliation, and picture is an embarrassment. The fact that he had the question the reporter asked pre-screened and typed out for his reference is a scandal. 

A scandal not just for the president but for the compliant journalist and newspaper she works for. 

The fact that this reporter agreed to play her part in the farcical little dramatic play presented at the White House Rose Garden called a "press conference" is an absolute scandal. 

Don't believe the blatant gaslighting from both sides who claim the cheat sheet didn't match the question. Of course, it did. Both the question and the cheat sheet detailed the trade and manufacturing policy pertaining to semiconductors (or chips) and how it related to China and other countries in the region. 

Just because the plucky little reporter engaged in a nice ad-lib and threw in some improv to make the script "her own" doesn't change the fact that she asked just what the president expected her to ask. 


Also... notice how Biden is wearing his sunglasses in the press conference. The sun is not in his face; it is above and behind him. Look at it bounce off his head. 

His face is in the shadows. He doesn't need the sunglasses to protect his eyes. His guest, the Prime Minister of South Korea, is not wearing sunglasses. How rude do you think it is for a president to keep his sunglasses on when meeting the leader of a foreign nation? Especially one from Asia, where such insults are very disrespectful. 

So, what's with the glasses? He doesn't want anyone to see his eyes. The sullen, sad, tired, sunken eyes with dilated pupils and the blank stare shows how much he's aged in the past three years. 

Be concerned... no, be afraid. 

Watch my monologue on this issue with full details, video and analysis from last night's edition of "O'Connor Tonight" on Salem News Channel. 

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