
The Truth About 'Gender Affirming Care'

Woven throughout the current debates over transgender issues, laws, and parental rights is the delightfully banal and Orwellian euphemism "gender affirming care." 

Just about a minute and a half ago, the procedures now known as "gender affirming care" were referred to as "sex change procedures." 

But the organized left, in their diabolical brilliance, seized control of our language once again and twisted "sex change" into "gender affirmation." And now, if you dare to object to your 10-year-old daughter's childish demand for puberty blockers, you could be criminally liable for child abuse for refusing to affirm her gender. 

But what are these procedures, anyway? 

Well, the truth is disturbing, disgusting and nauseating. And it's not the kind of thing decent people discuss in mixed company. We conservatives have values and standards, after all. And it's our inherent decency that the transgender activists are counting on. 

In the same way they got away with euphemisms like "late-term abortion" knowing that we conservatives were too proper to discuss the ghoulish realities of a procedure that ends with scissors puncturing the brain of a fully developed pre-born infant, leftists expect to get away with these mutilations behind closed doors because our basic decency keeps us from discussing such disdainful topics. 

Nope. We won't let them get away with that. 

On last night's "O'Connor Tonight" on Salem News Channel, I interviewed Dr. Jay Richards Director of the DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at the Heritage Foundation. Watch the interview above and, more importantly, share it on your social media pages. There's nothing obscene or graphic depicted, but the actual medical procedures including the dangerous fabrication of pretend sexual organs are vividly described so these barbaric actions can no longer enjoy the cloak of secrecy the left wants them to exploit. 

Watch "O'Connor Tonight" Monday through Friday at 9 PM ET on Salem News Channel. Featuring politicians, pundits, and passionate debate on the most important political and cultural issues of our time. Salem News Channel is available via Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, and via the SNC app or at