
This Tweet About Lori Lightfoot's Defeat Cannot Be Real

Twitter has some accounts that are just aces at audience engagement and rack up a massive following. Yet, you must wonder if the people behind them are serious. It’s not a liberal or conservative issue; there are accounts on both sides. Take Erica Marsh, a former field organizer for the Joe Biden campaign and Obama Foundation volunteer, whose feed is what you’d expect from someone who puts their pronouns in the bio. 

Except for someone who appears to be a hardcore left-wing activist, you’d think they’d be following current events. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot recently lost re-election, and this person’s response was to post the following: “The defeat of Lori Lightfoot, Chicago's first Black female Mayor and first openly gay mayor speaks to the racism and homophobia that candidates still face in major U.S. cities.” 

First, Lightfoot was defeated by Brandon Johnson, a black man. Second, it's even more embarrassing that this fact-checked tweet wasn’t deleted. Yet, this account's recent activity reads like a troll farm:

If this is a real person, then I don’t know what to say other than get help. But I'm banking on this being a troll account but a very successful one. It's for entertainment value, but don't engage. 

H/T Kevin McMahon