
Sen. Tuberville Reminds: 'I'm Not Blocking Anyone From Being Confirmed'

Earlier this month, Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) put his plan into action to hold up defense nominees as a result of the Pentagon's "illegal" abortion policy that would provide paid time off for service members and their dependents following an abortion, as well as cover travel expenses. The senator has continued to make headlines throughout this week, as he remains steadfast in his move to defend not just pro-life values, but the law. He doubled down in a Wednesday floor speech, with his remarks highlighting perhaps the most crucial and overlooked point of all. That nominees are not being confirmed isn't because of Tuberville.

"It’s not very often that the majority leader of the Senate attacks a single senator by name three days in a row," Tuberville said on the Senate floor on Wednesday. "That’s good. So, let’s get the record straight as we speak. Right now, I want to talk about what I have done and what I am doing," Tuberville told his colleagues. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has indeed been tweeting about Tuberville, though a better use of his time might be putting these nominees up for a vote on the floor.

When it comes to these nominees, Tuberville made clear he's not to blame for them not being confirmed.

"First of all, I’m not blocking anyone from being confirmed. Every single one of these nominees can receive a vote if Senator Schumer wants it. In fact, one of the civilian nominees is getting a vote this week. If Democrats are so worried about these nominations, let’s vote. If we’re not going to vote on taxpayer-funded abortion, then let’s vote on these nominees. Voting is our job. It’s not too much to ask of the United States Senate to do its job--to vote."

On this note, Tuberville also pointed out how little the Senate actually has done under Schumer's leadership. 

While before the Senate Armed Services Committee for a Tuesday hearing Department of Defense (DoD) Secretary Lloyd Austin lamented that nominees were being held up. "Not approving the recommendations for promotions actually creates a ripple effect through the force that makes us far less ready than we need to be," he told the committee. 

It's worth noting that the DoD has itself to blame for its crisis of priority when it comes to how woke the military has become, all while failing to worry about a recruitment crisis that has been highlighted by Republican members. Further, on this issue and others, that the Biden administration has had a bad habit of not getting back to members. The DoD is no exception here, with Tuberville sharing from the Senate floor on March 8, the day he went forward with holding up nominees how he and his colleagues had sent "more than a dozen" letters that went unanswered. 

Tuberville continued to frame the issue as actually working for the American people. 

"I don’t mind working a full week. I’ve had a full-time job. I’ve worked all my life," he said, which should come as a relief to Americans that members of Congress would do their jobs. "I will stay here until hell freezes over. I am not going to be intimidated by a campaign of selective outrage. And let me remind the chairman: I gave the Pentagon fair warning. They chose to go forward with this policy," he declared. "This was the Biden Administration’s choice. I’m keeping my word," Tuberville continued, making another satisfying point that a politician would indeed be doing what he says.

At issue is the Biden administration needing to give up its pro-abortion obsession, which not only forces taxpayers to cover paid time off and travel expenses and is in violation of 10 U.S.C. 1093. This dictates that abortion can only be funded in those limited cases of rape, incest, or threat to the life of the mother. It also applies to service members' spouses and dependents. Tuberville has also emphasized the need for Austin to go through Congress if he wishes to change this law. 

To blame Tuberville is not only an unfairly selective understanding of the situation, but hypocritical as well. "My hold is far from unprecedented," Tuberville pointed out, referencing how Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) had "put a hold on 1,000 nominees over the promotion of one single officer" and drawing a contrast in that "so far, my hold has affected 184 nominations."

In addition to his Senate colleagues, like Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), who told Townhall he is "proud to support [Tubverille] in his efforts against this illegal policy," Tuberville has the support from groups like Heritage Action.