
Mexican President Attacks Republicans, Threatening to Interfere With U.S. Elections

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador threatened to interfere with U.S. elections, promising to persuade Mexicans and Hispanics living in the U.S. not to vote for Republicans.

Lopez Obrador warned the GOP that he would launch an "information campaign" against the party unless U.S. lawmakers change their treatment of Mexico— a response from the president after Republicans called on the Biden Administration to crack down on Mexican cartels smuggling fentanyl over the southern border. 

According to the Mexican president, the deadly drug is not being brought over to the U.S. from his country despite reports from the Drug Enforcement Administration concluding that "most of the fentanyl trafficked by the Sinaloa and CJNG Cartels is being mass-produced at secret factories in Mexico with chemicals sourced largely from China."

"Starting today, we are going to start an information campaign for Mexicans who live and work in the United States and for all Hispanics to inform them of what we are doing in Mexico and how this initiative by the Republicans, in addition to being irresponsible, is an offense against the people of Mexico, a lack of respect for our independence, our sovereignty," Lopez Obrador said. "And if they do not change their attitude and think that they are going to use Mexico for their propaganda, electoral, and political purposes, we are going to call for them not to vote for that party because it is interventionist, inhumane, hypocritical, and corrupt."

He insisted that his campaign would cause Republican candidates to receive "not one vote" from Mexicans and Hispanics living in the U.S. 

Lopez Obrador's announcement comes in response to several GOP lawmakers urging the U.S. to destroy Mexican cartels. 

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) cautioned Mexico that the U.S. was going to unleash "fury and might" to destroy their business model and their lifestyle because "our national security and the security of the United States as a whole depends on us taking decisive action." 

Graham also said he would introduce legislation that would categorize Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) and authorize the U.S. to use military force to go into Mexico and destroy the drug Lords. 

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) also joined in on taking the Mexican cartels down, supporting the idea of using military action after four Americans were kidnapped, resulting in two of them being murdered.