
Reporter Caught on Hot Mic Making Embarrassing Admission About DeSantis Coverage

A reporter based out of Florida was caught on a hot mic before a Tuesday press conference with Governor Ron DeSantis (R) explaining her job was to make him "uncomfortable." 

Atyia Collins, a reporter for First Coast News, can be heard talking with others before the event started.

"My job here is to ask tough questions and make him uncomfortable, I guess. I'm gonna try! Gonna try to at least get one," Collins said, adding she would like to run up and yell questions at him.

Members of DeSantis communication staff took issue with Collins' comments, who did manage to ask DeSantis a misleading question about the state's efforts to ensure pornography is not available to school children. Collins tweeted about the press conference but then locked tweet to prevent users from commenting on it after it was revealed she was the one who was on the hot mic.

"Hi FCN2go - is it the job of your station to keep the people of Northeast Florida informed about the news in their communities and in our state? Or is it to 'make the governor uncomfortable' by "rushing up to him when he gets off stage and yelling questions?" Christina Pushaw asked.