
WEF Pushes the Great Reset By Calling For A 'Billion People to Stop Eating Meat'

The Left has launched a politicized war against meat, claiming that someday it will be the answer to saving the planet from so-called “climate change.” 

According to data, two percent of the nation is vegetarian and only 0.5 percent of the U.S.’s adult population is vegan, yet somehow Democrats have driven a wedge between those that eat meat and those that don’t. 

After Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) announced that she would be going vegan for lent in 2021, the demonization of meat turned into a liberal cause. 

Vice President Kamala Harris was reportedly eating only plant-based meals before 6 p.m. after a recommendation from vegan Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), compared to former President Trump who served a feast of bacon, eggs, burgers, and steak while hosting a champion football team. 

I’ll let you decide which one sounds better. 

Instead, the Left is promoting the consumption of fake, factory-made meat. And yes, all of this is tied to the Democrat’s “climate change” narrative. 

During the World Economic Forum (WEF), the chairman of the largest industrial manufacturing company in Europe, Siemens, Jim Hagemann Snabe pushed the Left’s Great Reset agenda by advocating for Americans to eat less meat and replace it with synthetic proteins. 

“If a billion people stop eating meat, I tell you, it has a big impact. Not only does it have a big impact on the current food system, but it will also inspire the innovation of food systems,” Snabe said while speaking on the “Mobilizing for Climate” panel, adding “I predict we will have proteins not coming from meat in the future, they will probably taste even better.”

Snabe then claimed that fake meat is healthier than eating the actual thing. However, if you take a look at the ingredient list, the fake meat has a mile-long list of things unpronounceable, while real meat has just one thing listed. 

“There will be zero carbon and much healthier than the kind of food we eat today, that is the mission we need to get on,” he continued. 

The Siemens boss also claimed that giving up meat for 11 years would offset emissions from air travel to Thailand. 

However, he failed to admit that he and the attendees flew on private jets to the event. 

According to a study by Greenpeace, during the 2022 WEF summit, there was a significant increase in private jet flights to airports near the WEF headquarters, mostly short-haul flights.

Additionally, the WEF has promoted the idea of eating insects rather than meat to lessen the impact of “climate change.” 

But if the Left would listen to their own “follow the science” advice, they would know that if humans cut meat from their diets, it would only result in a 4.3 percent decrease in emissions— which is not enough to make a difference.