
Title 42 Survives Yet Again. What Does That Mean for the Border Crisis?

Much has been made over whether Title 42 will stay in place at the southern border or finally be lifted since November. That was when a federal judge ordered the Biden administration to lift the COVID-era policy after they tried getting rid of it in May but where blocked by a countersuit to keep it in place.

This week, it was the Supreme Court who said the public health order must remain in place for now so a full hearing can be presented to them next year. The news was not well received with many migrants who are currently waiting in Mexico but for others, they decided to illegally cross into the United States anyway.

To start off, it is not a good spot that Title 42 is the last thing holding back an even bigger wave of illegal immigrants. Title 42 is a health order, not meant for a long-term immigration policy. It is the latest piece of evidence of how badly Congress needs to address the country's immigration system. But that's the future, what about now?

The situation along the U.S.-Mexico border is still very much the same, even with Title 42 still in place, at least on paper. Venezuelans are one of the nationalities the order applies to, but in El Paso, there are still hundreds of Venezuelans who decided to illegally cross anyway and are now on the streets. Because they don't have documentation since they did not surrender to Border Patrol, they are unable to use the shelters the city has open up.

Other nationalities such as Colombians, Nicaraguans, Ecuadorians, and Brazilians still largely are able to be allowed in the United States while their claims for asylum are processed. Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins reported today there have been over half a million illegal immigrant encounters so far this fiscal year, which just started this October.

The short answer is nothing will change as long as the Biden administration continues its inhumane approach to the border. Cartels will get richer with the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who are able to avoid Title 42 and the ones who are waiting for it go away will only increase as time goes on.

Title 42 will go away eventually. The only difference is it will happen while Republicans control the House, but only time will tell if they will truly be a check on the Biden administration's disastrous border policy.