
CBP Has Not Released November's Illegal Immigrant Encounter Numbers

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has yet to release the illegal immigrant encounter numbers for the southern border from the month of November despite the fact December is almost over.

CBP slow releasing the monthly encounter data has been common during the ongoing U.S.-Mexico border crisis, which was started by the Biden administration's policies, as former CBP insiders say it is a tactic to try to keep the historically high numbers out of the news cycle.

With CBP having not released the numbers yet, the National Border Patrol Council tweeted agents had apprehended over 209,000 illegal immigrants last month, with an additional 73,000 known gotaways at the border and 16,500 gotaways within the country.

In fiscal year 2022 for the same month, CBP had 174,253 encounters and in fiscal year 2021, there were 72,113 encounters. CBP pulled a similar move when they released September's border apprehension numbers late Friday night in October.

All of this is happening while the Supreme Court is deciding to lift Title 42 next week or keep the public health order for the time being. It is expected there will be an even greater wave of illegal crossings once Title 42 is gone as Border Patrol will not be able to turn away illegal immigrants based on public health reasons.