
The Results of Musk's Poll Asking Whether He Should Step Down Are In

Twitter chief Elon Musk will apparently step down as head of Twitter after vowing to abide by the results of his latest poll to users. 

With 17,502,391 users voting, the final results show 57.5 percent said "yes," he should step down, to 42.5 percent who voted "no."

Despite claims he already has a successor chosen, the billionaire said “no one wants the job who can actually keep Twitter alive,” and that “no successor” currently exists. 

 He followed up to explain that it’s not that it would be difficult to find a CEO, but it will be hard to find one who can keep Twitter afloat. 

The news comes after Musk angered users after rolling out a policy barring accounts from promoting rival social media platforms—a decision that has since been walked back. 

 “We recognize that many of our users are active on other social media platforms. However, we will no longer allow free promotion of certain social media platforms on Twitter,” the site’s Twitter Support account explained during the day. “Specifically, we will remove accounts created solely for the purpose of promoting other social platforms and content that contains links or usernames for the following platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Nostr and Post.”   

 By Sunday evening that tweet was removed and a link to the policy was taken down.

 “Going forward, there will be a vote for major policy changes,” Musk said. “My apologies. Won’t happen again.”