
White House Adviser's Excuse for Why Biden Hasn’t Visited the Border Is Something Else

White House adviser Keisha Lance Bottoms said in an interview on Sunday that the “disruptiveness” of President Biden’s travels are the reason why he has not visited the U.S.-Mexico border. 

Bottoms, who is the former mayor of Atlanta, made the remark on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday. Her comments come days ahead of Title 42 coming to an end, which is expected to escalate the border crisis to levels worse than what we are already seeing. 

“When the President travels, it is not like you or I jumping on an airplane and getting off and going to our destination. Everything comes to a halt. So all of these things are in consideration for the President. Is that the best use of resources, all of the resources that will be diverted on the ground when the President makes a visit?” Bottoms continued, before blaming the border crisis on previous presidential administrations.

“I can't speak to why he has or has not gone, I'm just speaking to the fact that it’s a bit more disruptive for the President of the United States to travel” than everyday Americans, Bottoms told host Margaret Brennan, who pointed out that Biden recently went to Arizona.

“Immigration, we know, is a problem that he did not create. Our issues with immigration are decades long issues, and he will continue to lean the end through the White House and through Congress to get comprehensive immigration reform done,” Bottoms claimed.  

Julio reported from the border last week about the ongoing illegal immigration crisis ahead of Title 42’s end. On Monday, Julio reported how border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz revealed that his border agents encountered over 16,000 illegal immigrants in two days, averaging about 8,000 per day. It is expected that once Title 42 goes away, there could be up to 18,000 illegal crossings a day.