
Former CDC Director Stands By Hypothesis COVID-19 Was Frankensteined in a Lab

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield is standing by his assertion the COVID-19 virus was manufactured in the Wuhan Institute of Virology as Republicans on Capitol Hill vow to investigate the origins of the pandemic. 

Former State Department official David Asher, who was tasked under the Trump administration with investigating the origins of the disease, pointed straight to Dr. Anthony Fauci and his complicity. 

This week incoming House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer vowed to issue subpoenas to U.S. officials linked to the lab. 

“Discovering the origin of COVID-19 is vital to providing accountability and protecting Americans in the future. Mounting evidence points to the virus originating from a leak at the Wuhan lab. EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S. National Institutes of Health grantee, passed taxpayer funds to the Wuhan lab to conduct gain of function research on bat coronaviruses – research that may have started the pandemic. Dr. Fauci was warned early on that the virus appeared man made and pointed to a lab leak and instead of blowing the whistle may have attempted to cover it up,” Comer released in a statement. “The American people deserve answers and accountability. We will continue to follow the facts to determine what, if anything, could have been done differently to guard against the harms Americans have endured during the pandemic. We will continue this oversight to hold U.S. government officials accountable for any wrongdoing and ensure Americans’ tax dollars aren’t being used on risky research at unsecure labs.”

The House Intelligence Committee is also investigating.