
DeSantis Leads Trump By 18 Points in Hypothetical Poll

Following former President Trump’s highly anticipated 2024 presidential announcement, many mixed emotions filled Americans' minds, even those who pride themselves on being MAGA supporters. 

In a hypothetical poll, voters were asked “if you had to choose, who would you rather see as the Republican nominee for President in 2024: Trump or Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla)?

According to an Economist/YouGov poll, 51 percent of voters said that they would rather see DeSantis in the White House, compared to 33 percent who prefer Trump. 

Additionally, the poll found that Americans prefer DeSantis over the 45th president by 74 percent, with only just 14 percent viewing the governor as unfavorable. 

This comes as DeSantis shut down rumors about a “GOP Civil War,” telling reporters to “chill out.” 

“We just finished this election, OK? People just need to chill out a little bit on some of this stuff,” the Florida governor said during a press conference. 

The brewing rumors come as many are claiming that Republicans are fighting with one another after disappointing Midterm Election results. 

DeSantis touted his historic victory of securing another term as governor, saying that he will continue to fight for freedom. 

"But I think what people like me who have been allowed to continue is – OK, let’s do something with that,” DeSantis said, adding “and the reason why we want historic victory is, at the end of the day, we lead, we delivered and we had your back when you needed us. That is why we won big.”