
Is the Rift Between Trump and DeSantis Real? Or Just Another Media Speculation?

As the hangover of Tuesday night’s midterm election still looms, many are wondering what former President Trump’s next move is given that the red wave didn’t come particularly the way the GOP anticipated. 

Will he still make his “special” announcement next week? And will it be that he is running for president again in 2024? 

Additionally, despite confirming that Trump voted for Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla) for a second term, the rift between the two seems to grow bigger. 

According to the Wall Street Journal, Trump is reportedly threatening to release damaging information on DeSantis that would hinder his chances of being elected. 

Calling the Florida governor a “fine guy,” Trump said that “if he runs, he runs.” 

However, if DeSantis chooses to run, the former president suggested he would share “things about him that won't be very flattering. I know more about him than anybody other than perhaps his wife, who is really running his campaign.”

Trump claimed that if DeSantis runs in 2024, then he would be “making a mistake,” adding “I think if he runs, he could hurt himself very badly… I think the base would not like it.” 

If Trump and DeSantis both decide to run, the governor will have to waft through Trump’s spotlight, which shouldn’t be a problem given the amount of media attention DeSantis receives. 

DeSantis has become a hugely popular political figure, getting praises left to right from Republicans while Democrats clobber him every chance they get. (This means DeSantis is doing a good job.) 

So is the relationship between the two figures tense? Or is this the media trying to cause issues for the two potential presidential candidates? 

They both downplay reports of the two hating each other, however, their actions speak differently. 

Trump held several rallies in the state of Florida, but didn’t include DeSantis in the program.

DeSantis has remained mum on a potential 2024 presidential run, instead focusing on leading Florida.  

Last year, Trump said that he would “certainly” consider having DeSantis as his running mate in 2024, saying that he is a “great guy.”

However, given the victories DeSantis has notched against the Left over the past two years, he doesn’t seem much like someone who wants to take the back seat.