
Oz Passes Fetterman in Poll With Just Days Before the Midterm Elections

With just days ahead of the midterm elections, Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz pulls ahead in the polls against Democrat opponent John Fetterman. 

In a new poll conducted by Emerson College and The Hill, Oz is leading in the race against Fetterman 48 to 46 percent among voters. 

Since the pair’s first and only debate, Oz has increased his chances of winning the majority vote after Fetterman proved to Americans he is unfit to hold the position. 

Since September, Oz’s support has increased by five points, while Fetterman’s support only raised by one point. 

The poll also found that 54 percent of Pennsylvania voters expect Oz to win the election, compared to 47 percent who believe Fetterman will take the crown. 

Additionally, 50 percent believe that the debate between the two political opponents did damage to their opinion of Fetterman, who struggled to string sentences together despite being equipped with closed captioning. 

44 percent said the debate improved their opinion of the Republican, who many say won the debate. 

Despite Fetterman insisting that he is in good health following his stroke, he still refuses to allow his medical doctors to answer vital questions from the media. 

President Joe Biden even has a lack of faith in him. A few weeks ago, Biden slipped up and told Fetterman’s wife that she make a good senate candidate, insinuating that the Democrat won’t be able to finish out his term should he win.