
Biden Vows to Punish Oil Companies for a Problem He Created

President Joe Biden is again threatening to punish oil and gas companies for what he claims is a lack of investment as gas prices continue to soar. 

The tweet comes less than 24 hours after Biden sent a similar message from the White House Monday afternoon, where he claimed the companies are the problem while dodging responsibility for his energy reducing policies. 

"If they're investing their profits in the historic -- at historic rates in their U.S. operations, then America would be producing more oil today and prices would be down even further.  But rather than increasing their investments in America or giving American consumers a break, their excess profits are going back to their shareholders and to buying back their stock," Biden said. "I think they have a responsibility to act in the interest of their consumers, their community, and their country; to invest in America by increasing production and refining capacity." 

After Biden abruptly ended the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office, which was already well under construction, and vowed to end the fossil fuel industry, it's no wonder executives have put a freeze on future investment.