
We Have More Details on the Pelosi Home Invasion

Spencer had the story this morning. Paul Pelosi, the husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, was violently attacked in a brutal home invasion. Mr. Pelosi was reportedly hit with a hammer and was rushed into skull surgery today. Mr. Pelosi is getting the best possible care and is expected to make a full recovery. It’s the second time Mr. Pelosi has been in the news this election cycle, the first being his embarrassing DUI arrest in August.

The suspect in the attack, David Wayne Depape, 42, intended to tie up Mr. Pelosi and wait for Mrs. Pelosi to return home. She was in Washington, D.C. Sources told CBS News that Mr. Depape asked, “where’s Nancy,’ before striking Mr. Pelosi with a hammer (via CBS News):

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked with a hammer by an intruder who broke into the Pelosis' San Francisco home early Friday morning and shouted at Paul Pelosi, "Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy," before assaulting him, according to a source briefed on the assault. 

David Wayne Depape, a 42-year-old man from nearby Berkeley, had planned to tie up the speaker's husband and wait for her to come home, a law enforcement source confirmed. Nancy Pelosi was in Washington, D.C., during the attack, her spokesperson Drew Hamill said.

Depape was arrested on the scene by officers from the San Francisco Police Department, who arrived on the scene at 2:27 a.m. Depape will be charged with attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, burglary and several additional felonies, the department said.

There’s not much to glean here about the suspect, but if Mr. Depape were a Republican or affiliated with a conservative group, that would have been front-page news. For now, he seems to be a man who posted numerous conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and January 6, which is no different from the Democratic Party’s obsession with the long-debunked narrative that Russian intelligence hacked voting machines in 2016. The liberal media will try to smear conservatives again, but no one cares. This attack has zero impact, as Nancy, who lives in San Francisco, is not in any danger of losing her seat. Working Americans have bills to pay and pennies to pinch, thanks to the Biden economic agenda. Paul Pelosi isn’t at risk of dying (which is great news)—so everyone will move on with their lives, including the Pelosi family. 

The connecting of the dots regarding this home invasion and how conservatives are the only violent ones in America will be a lefty academic exercise that no one has time to care about. 

It’s shocking that this home invasion could happen in San Francisco, a crime-ridden hell hole fraught with crackheads, homeless people, and other degenerates who defecate at the local Safeway in Nancy’s district. Who could have seen this coming?

Here's Spencer's take on the latest regarding this attack as well.