
John Fetterman's Wife Claims Swimming Is 'Racist'

Pennsylvania Senate candidate Lt. Gov. John Fetterman's (D) wife, Gisele Fetterman, made a wild claim that "swimming in America is very racist." 

While speaking on the iGen Politics podcast, Mrs. Fetterman said they planned to use the pool at the Pennsylvania lieutenant governor's mansion, which she claims they did not want, to teach minorities how to swim. 

"And while we did not want the mansion, the mansion came with a pool… and the pool I wanted," she said. Adding, "And the dream was to open this pool and make it a public pool. Turn it into the people's pool. And ensure that young people across Pennsylvania could learn how to swim and learn water safety." 

Mrs. Fetterman said the pool would be used to "right some of the wrongs" of so-called "racist" swimming. 

"You know, historically, swimming in America is very racist… usually, when you look at drowning statistics, it usually affects children of color, because of a lack of access," she said. 

Her comments come after Rolling Stone magazine called the Democratic candidate's wife a "de facto candidate" in the Pennsylvania Senate race. 

Following her husband's stroke, Mrs. Fetterman stepped in and continued to campaign for him while he "recovered," though after his first and only debate against his Republican opponent Mehmet Oz, not a lot of recovering seems to have been had. 

However, after much traction of the story, the reporter altered his remarks about Mrs. Fetterman, changing them from her being a "de facto candidate" to a "key surrogate for her husband." 

Most recently, while addressing the Democratic Senate candidate's wife, President Joe Biden said she is "gonna be a great, great lady in the Senate."