
Waukesha Judge Finally Had Enough of Darrell Brooks' Disruptive Antics

Tuesday's proceedings in the trial of Darrell Brooks had another delay after the defendant was once again kicked out of the courtroom for multiple disruptions and arguing with Waukesha Judge Jennifer Dorow.

The moment occurred when the prosecution was cross-examining Juan Marquez, who was hit by the SUV during the Waukesha Christmas parade. Marquez only speaks Spanish and was answering questions through a translator. 

As has been the norm during the trial, Brooks was objecting at almost every single question asked by prosecution, with Dorow overruling his objections since they did not meet the criteria. This was frustrating Brooks, who would say under his breath the prosecution can do whatever it wants.

Dorow warned Brooks if he continued to disrupt the proceedings, he would be removed from the courtroom and be placed in the adjacent courtroom.

"I'm not finna sit here and let you fix the trial because you don't want to tell the truth to the jury," Brooks said.

"Mr. Brooks, please stop! You're being disruptive and you're being disrespectful," Dorow replied.

After a brief back and forth, with Brooks continuing to argue with Dorow, she had him removed from the courtroom.

When the proceedings began again following a quick break, Dorow gave Brooks the chance to come back into the courtroom if he promised to not be disruptive. Brooks initially argued with her, saying he was not disruptive and disagreed with Dorow's actions. When it looked as if the trial would continue with Brooks in next courtroom, he relented and said he wanted to come back, with Dorow granting his request.

Tuesday's removal was the first time Brooks had been kicked out after last week's outbursts.