
How the Biden Administration Is Literally Asleep at the Wheel With the Border Crisis

It is no secret the Biden administration has done a terrible job at securing the U.S.-Mexico border during the crisis it created shortly after coming into power but a new report from Politico reveals those in charge are literally sleeping on the job.

The report published on Monday says in addition to U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Chris Magnus not attending White House meetings about the border crisis, badmouthing other agencies to colleagues and superiors, and not building relationships within CBP and across other agencies, he also has fallen asleep at the meetings he has attended: 

"Magnus also made the case that his critics were either unfair or uninformed. Six of those internal critics, for example, remarked to POLITICO that they had seen Magnus fall asleep during multiple meetings, including one earlier this year on how to handle the current swell of Venezuelans crossing the border. Magnus explained to POLITICO that he experienced brief periods of tiredness as a side effect of his multiple sclerosis, the neurological condition he was diagnosed with 15 years ago; and that he adjusted medication levels to deal with those side effects."

"Ironically, the most common complaint I’ve received from colleagues is about my tendency to ask too many questions in meetings and my desire to know what some believe is more than necessary on various topics," Mangus told Politico, saying he intends "to remain fully engaged in the work of leading CBP and advocating on behalf of those who work here as well as for the American public."

When it comes to his relationship with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, it's a bit icy due to his constant complaints about the sister agency that deals with interior immigration law enforcement. Those within CBP and the White House say he does not fully understand how complex the problem is, and that is partly to not showing up to meetings.

"Operationally he’s not even in the conversation," an administration official said. "He knows the border, but the ins-and-outs and the size and capabilities of CBP is pretty far outside his remit and understanding how to deal with other parts of the administration."

Criticisms for Magnus' leadership has been increasing since being narrowly confirmed by the Senate to lead the agency and having failed to get a handle on the border crisis. Among the most vocal critics is the National Border Patrol Council, the union for Border Patrol agents.