
Waukesha Parade Attacker Has a New Complaint About the Judge

Waukesha Christmas parade attack defendant Darrell Brooks continued to have arguments with Judge Jennifer Dorow on Friday as the trial's proceedings have been delayed due to the constant interruptions. Brooks accused Dorow of being biased against him because she consistently sustains the prosecutions' objections to his questions to witnesses and overrules his owns objections.

"It's hard to stay on task when it seems like the prosecution can ask essentially anything they want to ask but then when I object..." Brooks said.

"When an objection has been made, it is obligation to rule on it," Dorow shot back.

"I'm aware of that your Honor but I'm also aware of the fact, and it's clear, that I object quite often and every single time I object, it's just thrown to the side every single time," Brooks complained.

Dorow said she disagreed with Brooks' opinion.

"I'm like an umpire in a baseball game, sir. I call and see the legal objections as I see them. That is my role and that is what I do," she continued.

"Are you kidding me? Your Honor! Your Honor!" Brooks replied.

Brooks, who is representing himself, has had many of his objections be overruled because on claims such as hearsay or leading the witness, it did not meet the criteria. On a few occasions, when the prosecution had an objection or Brooks objected, Dorow ruled in Brooks' favor. Dorow noted she gave resources to Brooks to understand courtroom proceedings at the beginning of the trial.

At another point in the trial, Brooks argued with Dorow while the jury was being brought into the courtroom. When Brooks would not stop interrupting the proceedings, Dorow had to make the jury leave the room.