
Darrell Brooks' New Crazy Reason Why He Wants His Case Dismissed

Darrell Brooks requested for his case to be dismissed during an almost hour rant to the judge on Thursday because none of the victims in the Christmas parade attack have been in court.

"Where's the injured party? Is the injured party in this court right now? Can anyone make a claim against me? Can you make a claim against me, your Honor? Do you know you know of anyone who can make a claim against me, your Honor? Can anyone right now in court make a claim against me? And because of that, your Honor, the motion to dismissed should be granted based on that alone. There is no injured party in this matter. So who makes the claim? Who?" Brooks stated.

Brooks also claimed during his 50-minute tirade his First Amendment right to free speech has been violated throughout the trial.

The prosecution has called multiple families of victims of the parade attack to testify this week.

Parade attendee Matt Harris testified his 7-year-old daughter was hit by the SUV and suffered several broken bones to her foot, tibia, and fibula. Daniel Knapp said his 3-year-old daughter flew about 15 feet down the street after getting hit by the SUV. 

"I noticed my daughter had a significant amount of blood on her face. She was conscious" and had a look of fear and confusion.

Waukesha County Judge Jennifer Dorow allowed Brooks to have his rant so she could respond to his objections without being interrupted. Dorow pointed out that many of Brooks' complaints have already been addressed and the trial will continue.