
Biden Begs for Billions in New COVID 'Emergency' Funds Despite Declaring Pandemic 'Over'

More fallout continues from President Biden's 60 Minutes interview that aired Sunday, especially over his declaration that the COVID-19 pandemic was "over." 

You'd be right to question his claim, given Biden previously declared America's "independence" from COVID during July Fourth celebrations in 2021. But Biden's confusing and contradictory positions on COVID — like many issues — are reinforced by his request the same week for more than $22 billion in new "emergency" funding for the federal COVID-19 response.

Somehow, in Biden's mind, the pandemic is "over," but it's still an emergency that requires another $22 billion for federal action. It's nonsensical, and therefore incredibly on-brand for Biden and his administration.

Congress — controlled by Biden's party — hasn't heeded the White House's calls to pass more COVID funding, a fact that Karine Jean-Pierre has pointed out in multiple press briefings. And now, with Biden declaring the pandemic over, they're even more unlikely to give $22 billion to the White House for COVID response. 

Republicans in Congress — who are wisely trying to prevent the Biden administration from spending even more taxpayer dollars — reacted appropriately on Twitter. The gist of their sentiment: We knew the pandemic was over, now stop trying to throw money at the virus and ease up on Americans who've been penalized for not consenting to government edicts.   

In response to Biden's claim that the pandemic had ended, many "experts" and officials within his administration did what they often do: damage control for the president to claim he didn't mean what he said. 

But the walking back will have to be substantial if the White House thinks it can convince enough members of Congress to vote for another $22 billion in emergency COVID funding as they tussle over a stopgap budget bill and try to get home to campaign before November's midterms that are now just weeks away.