
New Inflation Numbers Destroy Another Biden Talking Point

As reported this morning, inflation continues to rage out of control. As a consequence, American families are suffering severely. 

At the White House Tuesday afternoon, just hours after horrendous new numbers were released, President Joe Biden will hold a celebration event for the Democrats' dishonestly named "Inflation Reduction Act." 

"The President will host an event celebrating the historic achievement of the passage of H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The President and the Vice President will deliver remarks," Biden's White House schedule states. 

Not only will the legislation make inflation worse, it balloons the federal deficit

But today's new numbers also debunk Biden's narrative on wage growth, retirement and inflation. Americans are getting crushed and thanks to Democrats' runaway spending, there's no end in sight. Wages have been cut down while food price increases are in the double digits. Sole Democrat support for the American Rescue Act and Biden's latest spending bill are fueling the cost crisis. 

Last month, Biden stood in front of the American people at the White House and proclaimed there was "zero inflation."