
Brian Stelter Gets a New Gig

Ex-CNN host Brian Stelter will be heading to Cambridge, Mass., this fall to be the Walter Shorenstein Media and Democracy Fellow at Harvard University. 

“Brian Stelter is a nationally recognized media reporter and expert on the state of journalism and its wide-reaching implications for society and governance,” the ivy league school said in a statement

“As the Walter Shorenstein Fellow, Stelter will convene a series of discussions about threats to democracy and the range of potential responses from the news media,” the statement continued. “These discussions with media leaders, policy makers, politicians, and Kennedy School students, fellows, and faculty will help deepen public and scholarly understanding about the current state of the information ecosystem and its impacts on democratic governance.”

According to Axios, "Stelter thinks of the fellowship as bringing the 'Reliable Sources' show to campus — holding 60-minute discussions about media and democracy, instead of six-minute chats on TV." 

Stelter was fired last month in an effort by new CEO Chris Licht to rid the network of its most partisan broadcasting and focus on the news. 

Despite his constant attacks on right-wing media, Stelter insisted he did the job in a nonpartisan way. 

"I know I didn't have all the answers, I didn't even always have all the right questions… Here's what I do know. I know it's not partisan to stand up for decency and democracy and dialogue," he said during his last show. "It's not partisan to stand up to demagogues. It's required, it's patriotic. We must make sure we don't give a platform to those who are lying to our faces. But we also must make sure we are representing the full spectrum of debate and representing what's going on in this country and in this world."