
Democrat Congressman Accuses Republican Of Stealing Election Away From Him

A Texas Democrat congressman falsely claimed that Republicans “stole” a U.S. House seat from another Democrat during a special election.

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX) accused Rep. Mayra Flores (R-TX) of stealing the election away. She won her seat in a special election for the 34th Congressional District against Dan Sanchez in June. She's running against Rep. Gonzalez, who currently represents the 15th Congressional District, in November. 

“Our democracy is at stake… there’s millions and millions of dollars from outside our region and outside our state that are coming here to try to steal our elections and take away your value and take away the process that we rely on, which is elections. And we don’t have the resources to compete with these outside resources. We can’t compete with the Koch brothers, we can’t compete with big oil, and big tobacco, and the NRA. They can outspend us, but they can’t outwork us,” Gonzalez said. 

The Democrat was soured by the fact that Flores won, hence the reason why he felt like he had to accuse Republicans of so-called “stealing” the election away from him.

“They stole that last election… they spent $3 million to our $250,000, they campaigned for two years, and they still only won by less than one percent. So, the way to turn this around is getting out and vote,” Gonzalez claimed. 

In response, Flores said the Left is getting “desperate.” 

“The far left is getting pretty desperate when Adam Schiff is coming down to Texas to save Vicente Gonzalez,” Flores said, adding “the swamp is protecting one of its own.”