
Mainstream Media Outlets Trying to Gin Up Fear That Pro-Life Laws Affect Medical Care

We've long heard the pro-abortion movement claim that their sacred cow is "health care," despite how it ends the life of an unborn human being and often can endanger the health of the mother, physically or mentally. Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade with Dobbs v. Jackson, states are free to decide their own abortion laws, leading many to ban or restrict the procedure. That's led to fear-mongering the mainstream media as to how such laws can impact other forms of healthcare.

This includes the outright lie that such laws will restrict doctors from treating ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages. Alexandra DeSanctis, a pro-life journalist and author, wrote an in-depth piece for National Review how each and every state handles care for such medical emergencies, as well as others on the topic, highlighting how the abortion movement gets it so wrong.

As Alex Christy highlighted for NewsBusters, Tuesday morning's episode of "CBS Mornings," featured a segment on treating ectopic pregnancies, as well as who use methotrexate to treat autoimmune diseases.

This is despite how, again, the states mentioned in the segment, which include Indiana, Missouri, and Texas, all allow doctors to treat ectopic pregnancies.

"The fight over limits on abortion is spreading to some unexpected places including drug stores. At least one medication commonly prescribed for arthritis, lupus, and even cancer is becoming harder to get after the Supreme Court allowed states to restrict or outlaw abortions. Janet Shamlian has a story of patients who are caught in the middle and dreading the possible impact on their health," the segment began with.

The segment contained many open ended questions, as Christy highlighted, which failed to point out the facts of the state laws they were demeaning. 

Making the segment even more unnecessarily full of fear-mongering, they don't even seem to have actually been impacted yet. CBS is peddling in hysteria. 

When it comes to those using methotrexate, for instance, Christy highlights about the segment:

Shamlian then gave a summary of Methotrexate, “It’s commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and some cancers but can also be used to terminate non-viable ectopic pregnancies where a fertilized egg grows outside the womb. Since the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade some women report trouble getting the medication by pharmacists concerned they could be held responsible for aiding an abortion.”

Norra’s mother Tyse was then showed worrying, “As soon as I started hearing about women in other states having this issue I started asking the question, “Is this going to be a problem?”

CBS Mornings didn’t answer the question, but based on CBS Evening News and Indiana law, the answer is no.

Not willing to accept good news, Shamlian shifted to Missouri where, “Annie England Noblin is a longtime user of methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis, but says a pharmacy recently put her refill on hold.”

This bit of fear-mongering was also immediately debunked as Noblin admitted she still receives the treatment, “They needed to make sure my rheumatologist actually prescribed me methotrexate for my RA and not so that I could, you know, abort a fetus.”

Like Indiana, Missouri does not define removal of ectopic pregnancies as abortions, but Shamlian still encouraged Noblin to blame the law and not the pharmacy’s lack of reading comprehension, “It was immediate anger. I was embarrassed because I was in a pharmacy line and I—I-- said, ‘okay, do you also need to know the first date of my last period as well?’”

Further, the segment even featured a doctor in Texas who had a poster of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the office, so it was no surprise that he would lament that ectopic pregnancies might have to be treated with surgery. 

POLITICO appears to be going a step further than CBS, or perhaps even several steps further with Tuesday morning's invitation, "How are abortion laws affecting your access to health care? We want to hear from you."

The piece is soliciting stories from those who have had supposedly had medical care affected for concerns not related to abortion and pregnancy, such as if pharmacists won't fill prescriptions for methotrexate or for accutane. POLITICO also wants to hear from those who supposedly had medical care affected for miscarriage or a "pregnancy-related complication."

While the piece mentions that the "Biden administration has also warned hospitals that failing to treat a patient in a medical emergency, such as a miscarriage or a life-threatening complication necessitating an abortion, violates federal law — even in states that have banned the procedure," there's no mention that state laws banning or restricting abortion don't affect miscarriage or treating an ectopic pregnancy. 

Those submitting stories can do so by clicking on the link.