
Democrats Have New Strategy to Win Back Latinos: Stop Worrying About the Economy

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic Party's main campaign arm for House races, said they are going to be running a new ad to court Latino voters which admits their party is out-of-touch and the economy is in bad shape, but that doesn't matter and you should vote for Democrats anyway.

The radio ad features two women working in a store, with one complaining she has to work longer hours to keep up with inflation. Her coworker tells her to not worry so much.

"What you could is vote for Democrats. These Republican extremists have no plan to help us," the coworker states.

"But Democrats seem so out-of-touch," the first woman replies.

"Not true! These MAGA Republicans are only working for rich people. Democrats know firsthand that even small price increases are hard on working families like ours," the coworker insists, adding Democrats are working on finding solutions but does not list any.

If your'e so inclined to hear the cringey ad, you can listen to it here. The DCCC is reportedly spending seven figures in four states to reach Latino voters.

Users on Twitter, Republican and Democrats alike, gave the ad two thumbs down.

It appears the Democratic Party is determined to lose the Latino vote by historically-wide margins in the upcoming midterms.