
Biden White House Readies Its Recession Talking Points

It's here. You've all known for months that the country was barreling toward a recession. Everyone feels it. Americans have been seeing their paychecks get cannibalized by inflation. Filling up one's gas tank could be a budget-busting move. Yet, the Biden team, like their boss, exhibits a dementia-like persona when peddling their talking points about the state of the economy. 

This isn't the greatest economy ever nor the best recovery ever. It's not even close. Joe Biden's approval ratings are hot garbage whose toxicity has leeched into his party's midterm chances. An economic recession puts even the best Democrat at risk. These are the facts. The Biden recession is here, but you're not going to hear that from the administration when the GDP report gets released on Thursday.

Now they're trying to change the definition of a recession. The Biden White House is going for gold in linguistic gymnastics, and it's bound to fail. I don't think even the staunchest Biden supporter in the media feels it's worth defending this guy now. He's too far gone. The New York Times went all-out with stories about how Joe is on the verge of collapse due to his age. Some trips get worked around because it would probably kill him. Do these folks think the media will take the destruction of the word recession nonchalantly? I don't put much faith in the mainstream press, but this is indefensible. 

The press asked why Kamala was out and about, addressing conferences in DC wearing no mask despite being close to COVID-contaminated Joe. The White House tripped over themselves trying to explain why the VP wasn't following CDC guidelines anymore, the Holy Bible of the left in the COVID era. Expect the same this week on the recession news. 

The tell-tale sign that this crew isn't going to admit we're in the economic toilet is that there's an explainer on the White House website dissecting the meaning of the word "recession." When you're explaining, you're losing. And Biden and the Democrats are going to lose big league in November.