
Dems' Latest Abortion Witness Appears to Be Both a Furry and a Witch

Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution. If the Left truly wants a bill guaranteeing that right, they can pass a law. Conservatives must do the same with pro-life legislation. The Dobbs ruling wiped the slate clean. Instead of working on getting a consensus and convincing voters to codify their position on this issue, the Left is throwing tantrums. They're pretending to be arrested by police at protests and going hardcore on expanding the Supreme Court.

It's sad. These antics are the reason why the last two years of Democratic governance have been a failure. There's no focus. Democrats can argue for their abortion on demand and without exception position. They can even say that it is taxpayer-funded. They screwed the pooch when they thought the liberal wing of the Supreme Court would live forever.

Instead of whining about losing a constitutional right that never existed in the first place and how the GOP is racist or whatever—mobilize your vast resources and get the ball rolling for your side. The GOP is doing it on their end. It's going to be fun watching the Left twist themselves into pretzels because they have gone off the deep end on abortion and a host of other issues. It's way outside the mainstream. And it doesn't help that some of the folks they're using to make their case for abortion rights are as insane as their policy positions.

Paulina Guerrero was an expert witness picked by Democrats for Tuesday's hearing on abortion rights on the Hill. The woman appears to be a witch and a furry. No, I'm not kidding (via Libs of Tik Tok):

Democrats brought a woman who appears to be a member of a witch coven that engages in furry play as a key witness in a Dobbs hearing on Tuesday. The Oversight & Investigations subcommittee held a hearing on the impacts of the reversal of Roe v. Wade and "taking away the Constitutional right to an abortion." The subcommittee heard testimony from various individuals on why abortion is “absolutely necessary.”

Democrats were allowed four witnesses and one of their totally sane choices was Paulina Guerrero.

When Paulina isn’t working as a National Program Manager at an abortion clinic, she spends her free time making YouTube videos conducting witch spells and engaging in furry play.


Maybe the Democrats wanted their expert witness to cast a spell to bring back the federal right to abortion. Her actual testimony to the Congressional subcommittee was far less entertaining than her YouTube channel, however.

Paulina was careful not to mention the word “women” a single time in her five minute testimony and instead opted for woke terms like “pregnant Latinx people.”

This is who the Democrats bring to represent them on their top issue of abortion: a woke witch who seems to dress people as furries in her free time.

These people won't move the needle on abortion. Are you insane? Witches and people with sexual kinks are the shock troops of the new pro-abortion push. At the same time, it fits Democrats who have become unhinged in the past ten years.

The coven has some thoughts on abortion. What nonsense.