
Even Democrats Are Tired of Seeing Biden in Office

Americans are no longer buying President Joe Biden’s empty promises and lies about major issues such as the economy, inflation and the border crisis. 

And his approval rating proves this to be true. 

In a recent Quinnipac University poll, 71 percent of voters said they do not want Biden to run for re-election in 2024. Among these voters, 54 percent hope that he won’t be the Democrat nominee, while just 40 percent would like him to have a second term. 

This comes as no surprise, Biden has been failing at his job since the day he stepped into office. Just take a look at the economy. Americans are paying more for everyday essentials than they have in decades, along with gas prices reaching historic highs. He has also failed at securing the border, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants enter into the U.S. without even an ounce of effort to try and put an end to it. 

And don’t forget the amount of times Biden has publicly humiliated the Democrat party with his countless bad gaffes during speeches and constantly forgetting where he is while shaking hands with the air. 

It’s no wonder why Democrats want him out of the White House. 

On the contrary, six in 10 voters say they do not want to see former President Trump run again in 2024 either. However, 69 percent of Republicans said that they would like to see Trump as the GOP nominee. 

Tim Malloy, Quinnipiac University polling analyst, said that polling shows that Americans are looking for a new candidate this time around. 

“There's scant enthusiasm for a replay of either a Trump or Biden presidency. But while Trump still holds sway on his base, President Biden is underwater when it comes to support from his own party,” Malloy said. 

The poll also shows that just a mere 28 percent said they approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, while 66 percent disapprove overall of his job.