
What Had J.K. Rowling 'So Bloody Angry' That Her Hands Shook

Nothing shocks anymore with these new rules concocted by the ‘woke’ Left regarding science and gender. None of it makes sense. The irony is the Left’s ongoing crusade to be inclusive is leading to the erasure of women. It’s where conservatives are now the new feminists merely wanting to keep the integrity of female-only sports intact. Men cannot get pregnant. That is a scientific fact, and the way the Left tries to enforce us saying otherwise is downright Orwellian.

Recently, a British man couldn’t donate blood because he refused to answer whether he had been pregnant for the past six months. I’m not kidding. So, what’s the latest with the Left erasing womanhood from the face of the Earth? It deals with the care of special needs kids.

One story got J.K. Rowling so mad that her hands shook with anger. This nonsensical story involves the parents of a special needs girl who requested a female-only staff to handle her “intimate needs,” including menstrual care. That is reportedly a problematic request. It’s not inclusive of the whole ‘men can get pregnant’ craze that’s overtaking liberal academia (via Fox News):

J.K. Rowling is criticizing gender-focused policies that "endanger extremely vulnerable teenage girls." 

The "Harry Potter" author earlier this week highlighted a blog post authored by the unnamed parents of a learning-disabled girl who attends a special-needs school that apparently implemented "cross-gender intimate care" instead of "same-sex intimate care."

"I'm so bloody angry my hands are shaking. I'm the daughter of a disabled mother and I've campaigned for the rights of vulnerable children for many years, but I'm still constantly shocked by the cruelty and indifference shown to those who cannot advocate for themselves," Rowling tweeted on Monday. "I urge everyone who feels the same way I do on reading this article to contact their MP, as I will certainly be contacting mine and anyone else I know who can stand up to this horror show."

In the article Rowling shared, the parents of the disabled girl named Helen express "disbelief, followed by outrage, and a determination that this policy change should be reversed," referring to the cross-gender intimate care policy at the school, which was apparently meant to offer inclusivity to those who care for disabled students based on the requirements of the U.K.'s 2010 Equality Act.

"Our simple and surely reasonable wish, that our daughter’s intimate care, including menstrual care, should be provided by staff who were female, like her, was at risk of being dismissed," the parents wrote. "Rights on the basis of sex cannot be honoured unless the sex of all parties involved is known and recorded."

What I love about this is that J.K. Rowling is no conservative. She’s as left-wing as they come—she just believes in scientific fact. Rowling knows the ‘woke’ crowd hates her. She couldn’t care less because the Harry Potter author is un-cancellable. The woman sits upon a mountain of cash. She’s making more with the movie adaptations of her Fantastic Beasts books. The funny thing is that the Left only cites two literary works when it comes to ‘resisting’ Trump or the GOP. One is The Handmaiden’s Tale, the Hulu adaptation that no one watched. The second of which is these beloved about a wizard. The Left can’t use them now. Dumbledore’s Army is dead. To cite these works is now violence against the biological males frolicking as women.