
White House Press Secretary Hit With Reality After Second Attempt to Cover for a Biden Gaffe

White House Assistant Press Secretary Emilie Simons once again attempted to say President Joe Biden did not read prompts from the teleprompter at an event last week by sharing an article from 

The article Simons shared states: "Posts on social media shared a shortened clip of Biden's remarks to falsely claim that he mistakenly read the cues off the teleprompter when he said 'end of quote' and 'repeat the line.'" 

"Happy Fact Check Friday!" Simons tweeted. "I'll just leave this here." 

As the Washington Examiner's Jerry Dunleavy noted, Fact Check declares it is "unclear" if Biden said "let me" when he did not, as the video from the event shows. The article further relies on, you guessed it, Simons for her version of events. That's problematic because last week, when a video was posted pointing out the gaffe, Simons falsely explained, "No. He said, 'let me repeat that line.'" This is despite the fact Biden could clearly be heard stating, "End of quote." 

Twitter users were quick to point out the ridiculous attempt at defense and for reviving the issue when it could have been forgotten.