
Reuters Had the Most Sanitized Headline About an Illegal Raping a 10-Year-Old Child

As we said, they're popping smoke and hoping to exfiltrate from this story. The reaction showed how weird the Left has become. The story Joe Biden told about a 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped, impregnated and forced to travel to Indiana to obtain an abortion. Only one source supported this story which moved at lightning speed. It turned out it was true, but the girl's attacker was an illegal alien from Guatemala with an ICE detainer. The Left took a victory lap.

Why? I don't know. This crime isn't worthy of celebration. They're cheering over the rape of a child to own conservative media outlets who were rightfully skeptical at first. The liberal media and the Democrats have lied for years and were called out for it every time. Now, they're using child rape to score points, which exposes the real Democratic Party. 

Also, Reuters had the most sanitized headline I've seen in a long time about this heinous crime. They described the child rapist as an "Ohio man." 

Seriously, folks? He's not from Ohio. He's an illegal alien Guatemalan child rapist. We all know the truth. It marks another time that Democratic immigration policies have brought heartache and violence into our citizens' homes. The media is doing their part to whitewash that.