
Poll Spells More Bad News for Biden's Reelection Plans

If President Joe Biden is indeed looking to run for re-election, he can't may not be able expect much support from voters. Last Friday, the June Harvard CAPS/Harris poll was released, with a main takeaway being voters want somebody new to run in 2024, with this being especially true for Biden. 

A strong majority, at 71 percent said Biden should not run again when asked. Just 29 percent ssaid he should. A plurality, at 45 percent, cited him as being "a bad president," while 30 percent said "he's too old" and 26 percent said "it's time for a change."

Further, while Biden leads the pack among Democratic candidates, at 30 percent, the poll's release notes that "though he leads the pack, this is still a very low figure of support for an incumbent." Eighteen percent say Kamala Harris, while 10 percent don't know. 

Such findings about Biden running again are not surprising considering that just 40 percent say Biden "is mentally fit," down from May when it was at 48 percent. Sixty percent responded "I have doubts about his fitness." Democratic respondents are the only demographic where a majority, at 73 percent, say "he is mentally fit."

An even greater percentage, at 64 percent, say that Biden is "showing he is too old," while just 36 say he is "showing he is fit to be president." Again, Democrats are the only ones coming to the president's defense on this one, but by even more paltry numbers than the previous question, in that 66 percent of them say he is "showing he is fit to be president."

While 61 percent say they don't want former President Donald Trump running again, he has much more support among GOP voters when asked to choose from a list of candidates. Fifty-six percent chose Trump, compared to 16 percent who chose Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL). 

Biden has also dropped to a low of 38 percent, which is tied for his lowest in this particular poll. He was at 38 percent in February of this year as well. 

The poll was conducted June 28-June 29 with 1,308 registered voters. 

Last week, as we highlighted at Townhall, The New York Times revealed in a report that fellow Democrats questioning his plans to run again have "irked" the president.