
Biden to Award Highest Civilian Honor to First COVID Vaccine Recipient

Ahead of the long Independence Day weekend, the White House announced a new round of Medal of Freedom recipients — the nation's highest civilian honor — citing President Joe Biden's belief in the "possibilities" of America. The recipients — 17 total — will be awarded on July 7th in a ceremony at the White House. 

In addition to decorated veterans and leaders from Democrat special interest groups, there are a few eyebrow-raising selections. John McCain, a close friend of Biden's during their time together in the U.S. Senate seems like an obvious choice, as does Gabrielle Giffords, the former congresswoman who was shot while hosting a constituent event in her district. Steve Jobs, Simone Biles, and Denzel Washington round out the star power of Biden's list, and the inclusion of civil rights, labor union, and social justice leaders makes sense for a Democrat administration.

But then there's Sandra Lindsay, a critical care nurse from New York City — a jurisdiction where Democrat leaders botched their response to COVID and made the situation for frontline health care workers even worse. As the White House release explains, Lindsay "was the first American to receive a COVID-19 vaccine outside of clinical trials."  

Where's the medal of freedom for those who stood up to the Biden administration's unconstitutional vaccine mandate? You know, real *freedom* fighters. What about a border agent that's dealing with an unprecedented assault on the U.S.-Mexico border by illegal immigrants, drugs, and weapons? Like, maybe, the mounted border agents that Biden has falsely smeared. 

Of course the people dealing with the effects of the Biden administration's failing policies and broken promise to "build back better" will never be recognized by President Biden or his White House. Instead, it's just people who say and do what Democrats want to hear and say. 

Here's the full list of recipients selected by President Biden:

  • Simone Biles, the most decorated American gymnast in history
  • Sister Simone Campbell, a leader in the woke "Catholic social justice" movement
  • Julieta Garcia, the first Hispanic woman to be president of a college
  • Gabrielle Giffords, a former congresswoman and founder of an anti-2A organization
  • Fred Gray, civil rights leader who represented Rosa Parks and MLK who called Gray "the chief counsel for the protest movement"
  • Steve Jobs, the late founder and CEO of Apple
  • Father Alexander Karloutsos, the former Vicar General of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
  • Khizr Khan, a Gold Star father who criticized President Trump at the Democrats' national convention in 2016
  • Sandra Lindsay, a frontline healthcare worker who was the first American to receive a COVID vaccine outside of clinical trials
  • John McCain, the late U.S. Senator, prisoner of war, and GOP presidential nominee
  • Diane Nash, a civil rights leader who worked with MLK
  • Megan Rapinoe, soccer player and woke equal pay and gender equality activist
  • Alan Simpson, former U.S. Senator from Wyoming
  • Richard Trumka, the late president of the AFL-CIO
  • Brigadier General Wilma Vaught (retired), one of the most decorated women in the history of the U.S. military
  • Denzel Washington, the acclaimed actor, director, and producer 
  • Raúl Yzaguirre, former CEO and president of National Council of La Raza and the Obama administration's ambassador to the Dominican Republic