
Dem Rep Openly Admits She Wants Nothing to Do with Biden on the Campaign Trail

Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger of Virginia was clear she wanted nothing to do with President Biden when it comes to her reelection race. 

During an appearance on Fox News, host Dana Perino wanted to know whether she will ask the president to campaign for her since her district is a “toss-up.”

“I intend to do the campaigning myself,” Spanberger replied. “I am the candidate. It’s my name on the ballot. Certainly, when I first ran, I ran in an R+7 district, and I won in that seat by getting out and speaking to voters.”

The Virginia Democrat also refused to say whether she supports the president running for reelection in 2024. 

“I’m looking squarely towards 2022 and the re-election ahead of me, working to make sure voters across Virginia’s 7th District know what I’ve been doing on their behalf and why I’m asking for their vote again,” Spanberger said. “I’ll be focused on 2024 after we get through the 2022 elections.”

Spanberger was also clear that Democrats need "new leadership across the board," something she's been saying for years. In 2019, she voted against sending Nancy Pelosi back to the speaker's chair. 

The Democrat was also critical of her party's showing after the 2020 election, blasting their focus on defunding the police and socialism. "If we run this race again we will get f*cking torn apart again in 2022," Spanberger said at the time.