
Portland Antifa Accidentally Attacked Parenthood Center That's Not Anti-Abortion

A non-profit in Portland, Oregon that was attacked over the weekend by Antifa activists in response to Roe v. Wade being overturned has come out to state they do not dissuade woman who are seeking to have an abortion and the executive director describes herself as a "a pro-choice, liberal Catholic Democrat."

The Oregonian reported the Mother and Child Education Center sustained $10,000 worth in damage after the Antifa vandals spray-painted the building and broke multiple windows. Maura White explained the center offers resources to parents after they’ve decided to have children and it is not a pregnancy resource center.

White said she’s frustrated her group had been mischaracterized as a pregnancy resource center that steers women away from abortion. They do offer pregnancy tests so parents can qualify for prenatal benefits.

The Antifa marchers also damaged a local Starbucks

An aide to Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said the damage to the Starbucks was "despicable" and the city needs more police officers.