
Failed Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland Releases His Opinion on Overturning Roe

Failed Supreme Court nominee and current Attorney General Merrick Garland is weighing in on Friday's landmark ruling overturning Roe v. Wade and returning abortion law to the states. 

“The Justice Department strongly disagrees with the Court’s decision. This decision deals a devastating blow to reproductive freedom in the United States. It will have an immediate and irreversible impact on the lives of people across the country. And it will be greatly disproportionate in its effect – with the greatest burdens felt by people of color and those of limited financial means," Garland said.

Garland is vowing to deploy Department of Justice resources to help get women abortions in states where the procedure will remain legal. 

“We recognize that traveling to obtain reproductive care may not be feasible in many circumstances. But under bedrock constitutional principles, women who reside in states that have banned access to comprehensive reproductive care must remain free to seek that care in states where it is legal," Garland said. 

“The Justice Department will work tirelessly to protect and advance reproductive freedom," he continued. “Under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, the Department will continue to protect healthcare providers and individuals seeking reproductive health services in states where those services remain legal."

Bizarrely, Garland also called on Congress to pass pro-abortion legislation. DOJ is supposed to be a non-partisan institution focused on upholding the law, not advocating for preferred policy or laws based on political preferences. 

“The Department strongly supports efforts by Congress to codify Americans’ reproductive rights, which it retains the authority to do. We also support other legislative efforts to ensure access to comprehensive reproductive services," he said. "And we stand ready to work with other arms of the federal government that seek to use their lawful authorities to protect and preserve access to reproductive care. In particular, the FDA has approved the use of the medication Mifepristone. States may not ban Mifepristone based on disagreement with the FDA’s expert judgment about its safety and efficacy." 

"The Justice Department will use every tool at our disposal to protect reproductive freedom. And we will not waver from this Department’s founding responsibility to protect the civil rights of all Americans,” he concluded.