
Lori Lightfoot, Without a Hint of Irony, Says SCOTUS Made a 'Tone Deaf' 2A Decision

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) joined the chorus of liberals who voiced their disappointment in the Supreme Court ruling 6-3 in striking down New York's "may issue" of conceal carrying handguns.

The conservative justices made it clear the Second Amendment is not a "second class" right and it applies to firearms beyond muskets or other weapons when it was adopted due to the fact other rights are not restricted to the 1700s.

Lightfoot told MSNBC the decision is "not surprising" and it further "undermines the legitimacy of the court" because the ruling was "tone deaf" since the Senate is about to pass a bipartisan gun control bill. 

"We were part of an amicus effort on behalf of a number of states in support of the New York law and really focusing on the importance of the federalism, but unfortunately, given the composition of this court, we’re not surprised they struck down the New York law. But I think they give an ample opportunity for New York and other states to pass other laws that are going to make common sense restrictions on gun use, particularly people displaying weapons in public, which itself is a threat," Lightfoot said.

"Look, I just think it sends the wrong message in light of the fact that we hopefully are on the cusp of the Senate taking final action on a bipartisan set of gun reforms that we’ve all been lobbying for and frankly has overwhelming support in American public," she continued. "The fact that the court is coming down with this decision feels tone deaf and I — I worry that it undermines the legitimacy of the court, particularly given the leaked draft of the Roe decision. And we’re obviously anxious and concerned about what the depth of that decision is going to be."

Chicago continues to be plagued by shootings despite having strict gun control laws. Over the Father's Day weekend, there were over 60 people who were shot, ten were fatal.